Fe-Cr-Al heating wire

Code: 0Cr25AL5, 1Cr13AL4, 0Cr21AL4, 0Cr23AL5

Category: Fe-Cr-Al heating wire

Specifications: f0.07mm~f9.0mm

Features:Electric iron chrome aluminum alloy wire heat resistance along with chromium and aluminum content increased and improved, has a superior antioxidant, anti-and anti-carburizing of sulfur, and has a light weight, high surface load, service life Long, low price range, it is widely used in industrial furnace, metallurgy, machinery, household appliances and other industries producing heating elements and resistance elements.

Cold drawnalloy wire Dia. f1.0-f9.0mm
Bright wire Dia. f0.07-f1.0mm

Technical parameters of Fe-Cr-Al alloy strip Table :-

Material/performance 1Cr13AL4 0Cr21AL4 0Cr21AL6 0Cr23AL5 0Cr25AL5
CrALFeRe 12.0-15.0 18.0-21.0 19.0-22.0 20.0-23.5 23.0-26.0 23.0-26.0
4.06.0 3.04.2 5.07.0 4.25.3 4.56.5 4.56.5
Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest Rest
Maximum Temperature 950 1100 1250 1250 1250
Melting Point 1450 1500 1500 1500 1500
Density (g/cm³) 7.40 7.35 7.16 7.25 7.10
Resistivity (Om20) 1.250.08 1.230.06 1.420.07 1.350.06 1.420.07
Tensile Strength (MPa) 580680 600700 630780 630780 637784
Elongation at Rupture =16 =12 =12 =12 =12
Repeat Bending Frequency =5 =5 =5 =5 =5
Fast Life (h/) =80/1250 =80/1300 =80/1300 =80/1300
Specific Heat (J/g) 0.490 0.490 0.520 0.460 0.494
Thermal Conductivity (KJ/m.h) 52.7 46.9 63.2 60.2 46.1
Coefficient of Linear Expansion (×10⁻⁶/20°C) 15.4 13.5 14.7 15.0 16.0
Hardness (HB) 200260 200260 200260 200260 200260
Micrographic Structure Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite Ferrite
Magnetic Properties Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic

Technical parameters of Fe-Cr-Al alloy wire Table 1 :-

Dia. Cross sectional area(mm2) Surface per meter(cm2)/m 0Cr25AL5 0Cr23Al5
ResistivityO . m 1.420.07 ResistivityO . m 1.350.06
Resistance per meter(O/m) Length per kg.(m/kg) Weight per meter(kg/m) Resistance per meter(O/m) Length per kg.(m/kg) Weight per meter(kg/m)
0.10 0.0078 3.14 180.6 17933 0.0000558 173.1 17683 0.0000566
0.12 0.0113 3.77 125.6 12453 0.0000803 119.5 12206 0.0000819
0.15 0.0177 4.71 80.4 7970 0.000125 76.4 7793 0.000128
0.17 0.0227 5.34 62.6 6205 0.000161 59.5 6076 0.000165
0.19 0.0284 5.97 50.1 4959 0.000201 47.5 4854 0.00206
0.21 0.0346 6.60 41.0 4066 0.000246 35.5 3986 0.000276
0.25 0.0491 7.85 28.9 2870 0.000346 27.5 2809 0.000356
0.27 0.0573 8.48 24.8 2460 0.000407 21.9 2407 0.000447
0.29 0.0661 9.11 21.5 2132 0.000469 19.1 2087 0.000513
0.31 0.0755 9.74 18.8 1866 0.000536 16.8 1827 0.000583
0.35 0.0962 11.00 14.8 1464 0.000683 14.0 1434 0.000697
0.40 0.1257 12.57 11.3 1121 0.000892 10.7 1097 0.000911
0.45 0.1590 14.14 8.93 886 0.001129 8.49 867 0.00115
0.50 0.1963 15.71 7.23 717 0.001394 6.88 703 0.00142
0.60 0.283 18.85 5.02 498 0.00201 4.77 496 0.00205
0.70 0.385 22.00 3.69 366 0.00273 3.51 358 0.00279
0.80 0.503 25.10 2.83 280 0.00357 2.69 274 0.00365
0.90 0.636 28.30 2.23 221 0.00452 2.12 217 0.00461
1.00 0.785 31.40 1.808 179.5 0.00557 1.72 176 0.00569
1.20 1.131 37.70 1.256 124.5 0.00803 1.194 122 0.00820
1.40 1.539 44.0 0.922 91.5 0.01093 0.877 89.6 0.01116
1.60 3.01 50.3 0.706 70.1 0.01427 0.672 68.6 0.01457
1.80 2.54 56.5 0.558 55.5 0.01803 0.532 54.3 0.01842
2.00 3.14 62.8 0.452 44.8 0.0223 0.430 43.9 0.02277
2.20 3.80 69.1 0.374 37.0 0.0270 0.355 36.3 0.02755
2.50 4.91 78.5 0.289 28.7 0.0349 0.275 28.1 0.03849
2.80 6.16 88.0 0.231 22.9 0.0437 0.219 22.4 0.04466
3.00 7.07 94.2 0.201 19.92 0.0502 0.191 19.5 0.05126
3.50 9.62 110.0 0.1476 14.64 0.0683 0.140 14.3 0.06975
4.00 12.57 125.7 0.1130 11.21 0.0892 0.107 11.0 0.09113
4.50 15.90 141.4 0.0893 8.86 0.1129 0.0849 8.67 0.1153
5.00 19.63 157.1 0.0723 7.17 0.1394 0.0688 7.03 0.1423
5.50 23.80 172.8 0.0598 5.92 0.1690 0.0568 5.80 0.1726
6.00 28.30 188.5 0.0502 4.98 0.201 0.0477 4.88 0.2052
6.50 33.20 204.0 0.0428 4.24 0.236 0.0407 4.15 0.2407
7.00 38.50 220.0 0.0369 3.66 0.273 0.0351 3.58 0.2791

Technical parameters of Fe-Cr-Al alloy wire Table 2 :-

Dia. Cross sectional area(mm2) Surface per meter(cm2) 0Cr21Al4 1Cr13Al4
O . m 1.230.06 O . m 1.350.06
Resistance per meter(O/m) Length per kg.(m/kg) Weight per meter(kg/m) Resistance per meter(O/m) Length per kg.(m/kg) Weight per meter(kg/m)
0.10 0.0078 3.14 156.6 17452 0.0000573 159.2 17206 0.0000581
0.12 0.0113 3.77 108.8 12033 0.0000831 110.5 11949 0.0000836
0.15 0.0177 4.71 69.6 7692 0.000130 70.7 7647 0.000131
0.17 0.0227 5.34 54.2 5988 0.000167 55.1 5954 0.000168
0.19 0.0284 5.97 43.4 4785 0.000209 44.1 4766 0.000210
0.21 0.0346 6.60 35.5 3937 0.000254 36.1 3901 0.000256
0.25 0.0491 7.85 25.1 2770 0.000361 25.5 2753 0.000363
0.27 0.0573 8.48 21.5 2375 0.000421 21.8 2360 0.000424
0.29 0.0661 9.11 18.6 2058 0.000486 18.9 2046 0.000489
0.31 0.0755 9.74 16.3 1802 0.000555 16.6 1790 0.000559
0.35 0.0962 11.00 12.8 1414 0.000707 13.0 1405 0.000712
0.40 0.1257 12.57 9.79 1082 0.000924 9.95 1075 0.000930
0.45 0.1590 14.14 7.73 855 0.00117 7.86 850 0.001177
0.50 0.1963 15.71 6.26 694 0.00144 6.37 688 0.001453
0.60 0.283 18.85 4.35 480 0.00208 4.42 480 0.002092
0.70 0.385 22.0 3.20 353 0.00283 3.25 351 0.002848
0.80 0.503 25.1 2.45 270 0.003697 2.49 269 0.003720
0.90 0.636 28.3 1.93 213 0.004675 1.96 212 0.004708
1.00 0.785 31.4 1.57 173 0.005770 1.59 172 0.005812
1.20 1.131 37.7 1.09 120 0.008313 1.11 119 0.008369
1.40 1.539 44.0 0.799 88.4 0.01131 0.812 87.8 0.001139
1.60 3.01 50.3 0.612 67.7 0.01477 0.622 67.2 0.01488
1.80 2.54 56.5 0.483 53.56 0.01867 0.491 53.1 0.01883
2.00 3.14 62.8 0.392 43.33 0.02308 0.398 43.0 0.02325
2.20 3.80 69.1 0.324 35.80 0.02793 0.329 35.5 0.02813
2.50 4.91 78.5 0.251 27.71 0.03609 0.255 27.5 0.03632
2.80 6.16 88.0 0.200 22.08 0.04528 0.203 21.9 0.04557
3.00 7.07 94.2 0.1740 19.25 0.05196 0.1768 19.1 0.05231
3.50 9.62 110.0 0.1278 14.14 0.07071 0.1299 14.0 0.07120
4.00 12.57 125.7 0.0979 10.82 0.09239 0.0995 10.75 0.09299
4.50 15.90 141.4 0.0773 8.55 0.1169 0.0786 8.50 0.1177
5.00 19.63 157.1 0.0626 6.93 0.1443 0.0637 6.88 0.1453
5.50 23.80 172.8 0.0518 5.72 0.1749 0.0526 5.69 0.1758
6.00 28.30 188.5 0.0435 4.81 0.2080 0.0442 4.78 0.2092
6.50 33.20 204 0.0371 4.09 0.2440 0.0377 4.07 0.2456
7.00 38.50 220 0.0320 3.53 0.2830 0.0325 3.51 0.2848


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